Scotts Grub B Gon MAX Grub Killer - Ritchie Feed & Seed Inc.

Scotts®️ Grub B Gon MAX Grub Killer


Regular price $42.99
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  • Introducing Scotts Grub-B-Gon MAX Grub Killer – a successful, proven solution to effectively kill grubs to prevent their damage to lawns. Its active ingredient is a live organism that is effective against a variety of beetle grubs, including June beetles and Chafers.
  • Controls a number of beetle grubs, preventing damage to turf
  • Specific grub pests include: Asiatic garden beetle, Black turfgrass ataenius, European chafer, Green June beetle, Japanese beetle, May or June beetles, Northern masked chafer, Oriental beetle, Southern masked chafer, Annual bluegrass weevil larvae
  • Apply with a Scotts® spreader
  • Shelf stable, no refrigeration required

Powerful Bt Active Allows for Multiple Applications During the Season:

Stop grubs by applying Scotts Grub B Gon MAX Grub Killer, then watering-in to a depth of about 1.25 cm

SPRING (April – late May): Apply after ground has thawed to control over-wintering grubs that are now migrating to the surface to feed on the roots.

SUMMER (late June – early August): Apply to control newly hatched grub larvae. Should be applied within 2-3 weeks of peak timing for adult beetles.

FALL (late August – September): Apply to help control new grubs that have hatched from new beetle eggs throughout the summer. This will help to protect the turf from over-wintering grubs and lessen the impact and quantity of grubs the following spring.

1.40 kg covers 125 m²
3.08 kg covers 275m

All Natural Ingredients
Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. galleriae strain SDS-502 (Bt) is the active ingredient in Scotts® Grub B Gon Max® Grub Killer — it is a microbe that is naturally found in soil-borne bacteria. It consists of a spore and a protein crystal within the spore, which is toxic to immature insects (i.e. larvae).

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